How to use a high-pass filter

Find the lowest fundamental, go an octave below that, and place a high-pass filter at 24dB/octave (or steeper).1

Another technique is High pass dramatically, then bring it down.

Engineers have been high-passing since the beginning, especially because recording to tape produced a lot of low-end build-up.2 Have no fear about high-pass filtering.

Beware of filtering on multi-mic material. For multi-mic sources, high-pass at the bus, so you don’t lose phase correlation.3 Parallel HPF will produce a deep notch at the corner frequency.4

  1. [Should you High-Pass EVERYTHING? Mastering Masterclass Ep. 2 - YouTube](

  2. [Did they high-pass in 1979? FAQ Friday - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro - YouTube](

  3. Asymmetrical Waveforms, DC Offset, HPF Madness, Phase Rotation and Parallel EQ - YouTube 

  4. Fetching Title#pwfy 

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