Mary Gauthier on The Working Songwriter
Mary said telling her story allows her to cope or sometimes write a happier ending. Joe replied, though sometimes it’s not writing a happier story but integrating parts of oneself into one’s persona. Mary says in doing so, one goes from being the story to becoming the storyteller. [[ Maia Kobabe on Gender Reveal ]] has similar encouragement about telling one’s own story. Sharing your story is important
Finding one’s own voice is the goal of songwriting, not looking cool, sounding smart, attracting others.
!We all agree, no one looks cool —Horse ebooks
I think finding one’s own voice is a part of [[ Meditation leads to self-discovery ]]. What if I re-frame songwriting as a vehicle for [[ Meditation leads to self-discovery ]] and improving my [[ Meditation improves our quality of being ]]? These are the more important works.
When I discover myself, when I understand what is important to me, then I can better communicate with others via [[ Nonviolent Communication ]]. What is important to someone is a need. What if songwriting is [[ Nonviolent Communication ]]?
I think inner work is the most important work I will ever do. Improving my [[ Meditation improves our quality of being ]] improves all my actions and interactions. Songwriting is one of those ways by which I can do my inner work.
Mary says songwriting is about being of service. The service we offer is the opportunity and allowance for listeners to feel.
She also says, if you have a good story, you can write a good song. When she gets stuck, she goes looking for a better story, whether that’s a completely new one, or come at it from a different character or window. Sometimes she blows it all up for parts.