Rhyme schemes
- AA BB (couplet)
- AAA BBB (tercet/triplet)
- ABAB CDCD (quatrain)
- ABA BCB CDC DED (terza rima)
- ABAB BCBC C (Spenserian stanza)
- ABBA ABBA CDD CEE (Italian sonnet)
- ABAB CDCD EFEF GG (Shakespearean sonnet)
- XAXA (as found in the ghazal)
- AAAA (monorhyme)
- AAXA or AABA (as found in the ruba’i)
Notes mentioning this note
21.01 poetry and lyrics 🖋
21.01 Poetry and Lyrics 🖋 [[Rhyme schemes]] [[Rhythmic variation]] [[Ding-dong theory]] [[Poetic meter]] [[The effects of enjambment]] [[Figures of rhetoric]]...