Setting up my acoustic treatment
- See Placing acoustic panels ✅ 2022-04-29
Buy hardware ✅ 2022-04-29
- Ook hooks ✅ 2022-04-29
- Command strips ✅ 2022-04-29
- Testing speakers’ low frequency response ✅ 2022-04-29
- Hang acoustic foam 📅 2022-05-03 ✅ 2022-05-03
GIK 244 bass traps are 14-16lbs.1 GIK recommends Ook hooks for hanging on drywall.2
When it comes time to remove them, here’s how to patch drywall.
Notes mentioning this note
All about acoustics
All about acoustics [[Placing acoustic panels]] [[My room dimensions]] [[Use moving blankets to treat room reflections]] [[Setting up my acoustic...