Sigur Rós vocal sampler effect
To simulate the sound of the Yamaha, use a bitcrusher and bandpass on the sample.^[ How to make a Sigur Ros style Lo-Fi sampled vocal sound on the Yamaha VSS-30] Jónsi also says, “there’s an effect where you can reverse the sample and make a U-turn.”^[ Recording Sigur Ros]
The VSS-30 is 8-bit and its sample rate is 8.9-16.7 kHz sample rate.^[ [Yamaha | VSS-30](] |
Look into samplers that could make this easy.
ReaSamplOmatic 5000 can change the resample quality for more lofi fun.
In Reaper I can right-click > item settings and reverse. By gluing the regular and reversed sample, I can emulate the VSS-30 U-turn.
Notes mentioning this note
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