Split bass technique

I usually split the bass above the fundamental, around 120-150Hz.1 I do this by first Creating a multiband linear phase crossover.

With this technique, I can Use the fundamental from the bass DI.2

On the low band, I have great control over Saturating low end. Michael Brauer compresses and adds saturation on the low end.3 I can also Use a limiter on the low-end or Expand low end for clarity.

I can also saturate the high band to bring out the attack of the bass. Warren Huart uses parallel distortion.4 Try sending to a parallel saturation with a midrange boost, followed by a compressor to help the bass mids cut through.5

I can also use Stereo processing on this high band too. Send it to stereo effects, like chorus or reverb.6 Dave Pensado uses a chorus, Jayden Joshua pans different frequencies across the stereo field.7

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