Use positive reinforcement when recording musicians

Instead of pointing out a musician’s flaws, turn your direction into a positive action.1 Instead of saying, “You’re flat here,” try saying, “I’d love to hear just a bit more energy on this phrase.”

This is helpful for client notes on a take too. When they listen back to their performance, they may be tempted to hyper-fixate on the mistakes. Instead, tell them, “I don’t want to hear a single negative about the takes. Instead, tell me about the magic moments in each take.” This is also a helpful gauge to figure out if we’re done tracking yet.2

I’ve noticed my singers have gotten discouraged when I’ve said they’re flat. I notice I get discouraged when I’m given negative feedback. What helped me when recording vocals for Bobby was asking him to tell me when I’m getting “hotter.”


  2. [Amazing Emotional Responses Tape Op Magazine Longform candid interviews with music producers and audio engineers covering mixing, mastering, recording and music production.](

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