Vocal reverb

Plate reverb, Chamber reverb, and Hall reverb all sound good for vocals.

To keep some separation on the vocal, sidechain compress the reverb keying from the dry vocal. This can make vocals sound huge and deep.1

Use delay and reverb in series for big sounds.

Use a dark vocal space for glue.

Andy Wallace uses a Vocal delay on one side and sends that to a reverb on the other side.2 This has a cool stadium kinda sound.

Another cool trick is to have a shorter reverb on the sides and a longer reverb or Vocal delay in the center.3

  1. Secret Trick for Massive Vocals! - Marc Daniel Nelson - YouTube 

  2. [Andy Wallace Vocal Effects Simple Technique Using Reverb, Delay, and Panning - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK7RcfyxTL0)

  3. Pro Mix Academy 

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