Dynamic split
To quantize, open dynamic split with shortcut d, then How to quantize with Reaper and Fill gaps between selected items.
With dynamic split can split selected items, add stretch markers, or just create transient guides.^[ Stretch Markers in REAPER]
To quantize a multi-mic setup like drums, group items first (g). Then you can split or add stretch markers to grouped items. When quantizing, make sure to click “Move grouped items with selected item.”^[ Drum Editing without Stretch Markers in REAPER]
Notes mentioning this note
Quantizing drums
Quantizing drums Render the shells and use them as the guide track.1 Group items together with g. Use [[Dynamic split]]...
Stretch markers
Stretch markers Vocal Alignment Add stretch marker at cursor: shift+w or opt+cmd+click Slide stretch marker: ctrl+left drag Delete stretch marker:...
Drum triggering in reaper
Drum triggering in Reaper In Reaper, use [[Dynamic split]] and select “Create chromatic MIDI item from slices.”1 Drum Sound Replacement...
How to quantize with reaper
How to quantize with Reaper Use [[MK Slicer]] with shift+q.1 MK Slicer 2.0 - lua script for quick slicing, quantizing...
Quantizing bass
Quantizing bass [[Dynamic split]]. [[How to quantize with Reaper]] to taste. [[Fill gaps between selected items]]. [[Use a leading pad...