EQing multi-mic setups and parallel EQ

Parallel bell filtering creates only a slightly wider Q value. Parallel shelves never reach 180 degree phase cancellation, and are simply shifted a bit higher.1

Check phase this to make sure the EQ phase-shift hasn’t put the group out of phase with one another.2 If they are out of phase, I can then address this with polarity switch, phase rotation, or switch to linear phase EQ (see How to adjust phase).

Beware parallel low-pass and High-pass filters.1 You can, however, use a 6dB/oct slope without much harm, and a 12dB/oct shelf provides a dip before the rise.3

You can use a crossover frequency in a multiband processor to your advantage. For instance, drums usually need some EQ cuts in the low mids, so set your crossover frequency at that range. The resulting summed multi-mic signal may have a little dip at that frequency.4

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