Judgment is a creativity thief
!With nothing can one approach a work of art so little
It’s easier to critique than it is to create. Judging myself and others puts a damper on my creativity. It instills a notion of what is ‘bad’ art. Moreover, Dissing others’ interests hampers creativity.
!When someone says, ‘I know what I like’ —W.H. Auden
Don’t let those critics and taste-makers dissuade you from coming upon an idea.
!That alone is living the artist’s life
Sometimes I find myself listening to an artist I admire or a contemporary and dreading my work because it’s not like theirs or judging their work because its not my taste. [[ Comparing my progress with others’ is self-defeating ]].
!Being an artist can feel so competitive
!Why want to exchange a child’s wise incomprehension
[[ Judgment is a poor tool in the hands of insecurity ]]. Instead, Use your better judgment.