24.05 Practical Creativity 💪
- Simplicity is hard-won
- Edit your art later
- Edit your art before you make it
- Practice little sabbaticals
- Walking is creative exercise
- Judgment is a creativity thief
- Read as little as possible of aesthetic criticism
- Corita Kent’s ten rules for teachers and students
- Wayne Shorter’s and Herbie Hancock’s advice to the next generation of artists
- Generalism is an enemy of wonder
- Observe the little things
- Lynda Barry journal method
- Make a habit of sharing
- Remember that you have to die
- Quit well
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24 creativity 💡
24 Creativity 💡 [[24.01 Being Your Own Creative Self 📣]] [[24.02 Creative Block and Creative Flow 🚰]] [[24.03 Creativity and...