Remember that you have to die
Roger Ebert, after losing his voice, started writing a lot. Journalist Janet Maslin said he “writes as if it were a matter of life and death because it is.”1
Many artists who have near-death experiences end up coming out of it with new resolve to create.2 Find something that will remind you to live a good life while you can.
!What is it you plan to do - Mary Oliver
Reading obituaries can be a memento more for us.2
!Remembering that you are going to die —Steve Jobs
Show Your Work pg. 23 ↩
Show Your Work pg. 25-27 ↩ ↩2
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24.05 practical creativity 💪
24.05 Practical Creativity 💪 [[Simplicity is hard-won]] [[Edit your art later]] [[Edit your art before you make it]] [[Practice little...