The Rise of the Full-Stack Freelancer
Freelancing has long been about becoming a specialist. This is a volatile job when the market changes or new tech gets introduced because pivoting usually results in an immediate loss of income.
Full-stack freelancers leverage new technology, rather. They use tech to create a vertical full stack of services. They create a portfolio of income streams.
A full-stack freelancer might use technology to produce low-maintenance income (e.g. online courses) for 3 days of the week so they can have 2 days a week to focus on work with no immediate income.
Premium services are bought by customers that know you: they have read your writing, watched your videos, seen your social media posts, read your newsletter, and have tried your more affordable offerings.
The relationship builder sequence reminds me a lot of [[ Indepreneur ]].
A portfolio that is a network has network effects: each offering increases the value of the others.
This is a cool concept. It’s a little too capitalistic in its framing for me. But I can take what I like and leave the rest, remembering [[ All models are wrong, but some are useful ]].