Bass EQ guide

Billy Decker says he always high-passes at 70Hz.1

Boost the fundamental.2 Andy Wallace uses a Neve 1073 EQ and boosts 35Hz all the way. This is ~16dB of gain on Lindell 80.3

If the fundamental is still too soft, maybe Add a sub bass with midi.

Consider cutting the low-mids if it’s too muddy or nasally.4

Bring out the first harmonic around 300 to hear the bass on small speakers.5 Andy Wallace boosts somewhere around 200-300Hz with an SSL EQ.3

Bruce Swedien boosts around 800 Hz on a bass to add definition. For Marc Daniel Nelson, this is often all he does.6 Sara Carter does this same, on an SSL EQ.7 This is that nasal, honky sound that can often help basses speak through small speakers. It also can bring out the finger noise.8 Warren Huart likes 750, 850, 1k, or 1.5k.9 Following this with some compression can situate the boost a little better if it starts getting to be too much.10

Brighten it between 1.6k-2k.5

Give your high-pass a little resonance to boost the fundamental. Do the same with your low-pass to boost the attack.11 I like to use Volcano 3 for this.

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