Volcano 3

Tips and tricks

Just using a high and low pass can really enhance a signal.1

The Clean filter mode is just as linear as Pro-Q 3.1

All pass filters still use the different nonlinearity settings.2

You can pan filters for cool stereo effects.3

  • [I] Perhaps I can use the all-pass to mimic Disperser. #idea

Use the mouse wheel or cmd+vertical drag to change the slope of the filter.

Use the mouse wheel with cmd to adjust the peak.

Use cmd+horizontal drag to adjust frequency panning.

Use shift+drag to fine-tune settings.

Use cmd+opt+click on the dot to change its shape.

Right-click to open a pop-up menu.4

Filter styles

  1. Classic, “the original filter style taken from our award-winning FabFilter One synthesizer”
  2. Smooth, “like the cream in your coffee.”5 I like this on voice.
  3. Raw, “a filter with lots of overdrive and exhibits a character of its own. Great for distortion guitar sounds”
  4. Hard, “moderately distorting filter, with a nice clean whistle”
  5. Hollow, “juicy moderate distortion with fairly much low-end self-oscillation.”5 I like the depth; it tucks things back a bit.
  6. Extreme, “for more wild sonic ideas”
  7. Gentle, “a more smooth and clean general purpose style”
  8. Tube, “with a warmer sound and nice overdrive, great for synth sounds”
  9. Metal, “with a rough, sharper sound and distortion”
  10. Easy Going, “a softer version of the Tube filter”
  11. Clean, “linear behavior with no drive or clipping at all”5


0.0-0.2% depending on OS. If I need a saturator, it would be good to reach for this first, since it only adds a bit of extra CPU to use oversampling.

Oversampling IR

! [[ volcano 3 impulse signal 1k.png ]]

Sine sweep test at -18, spectrograph readings at -130dB, OS on

6db drive, filter set at 10k ! [[ volcano 3 sine sweep 10k classic.png ]]

Hammerstein test

All these readings were done with an all-pass filter at 200 Hz.


! [[ volcano 3 classic.png ]]


Cool how this one dips the fundamental a bit. ! [[ volcano 3 smooth.png ]]


This one dips the fundamental too. ! [[ volcano 3 raw.png ]]


! [[ volcano 3 hard.png ]]


This one dips the fundamental too. ! [[ volcano 3 hollow.png ]]


This one dips the fundamental. ! [[ volcano 3 extreme.png ]]


! [[ volcano 3 gentle.png ]]


! [[ volcano 3 tube.png ]]


! [[ volcano 3 metal.png ]]

Easy going

! [[ volcano 3 easy going.png ]]


! [[ volcano 3 clean.png ]]

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