Plugin Notes
- Pro-Q 3
- Volcano 3
- SlickEQ GE (moderately CPU heavy)
- SlickEQ M (CPU intensive)
- Nova GE (great for pink noise matching to get a quick tonal balance)
- TEOTE (good OS, kinda steep anti-aliasing filter)
- DSEQ3 (great OS, great anti-aliasing filter)
- RS-W2395c
- ReaEQ
- Lindell 80
- Lindell 50
- DC8C3 (I like this a lot as a track comp, very tweakable, does fast, character compression nicely, with a good balance of even with some odd harmonics, CPU light)
- MJUC (really great for subtle compression with character, lots of even harmonics, CPU moderate)
- Pro-C 2 (great OS, good anti-aliasing filter, easiest, most comprehensive comp to use, CPU light)
- Presswerk
- Molot GE (I like this a lot as a track comp, mostly odd harmonics, with some even, CPU intensive)
- TB Compressor 4 (Clean mode could be good for vocal air)
- Kotelnikov GE (transparent, with a bit of harmonics, nice for buses, CPU intensive though)
- DC1A (easy two-knob, kinda like a chill FET-style, would probably be good on vocals)
- Saturn 2
- ReaComp (really low CPU usage)
Other dynamics
- Limiter 6 (great clipper)
- Pro-DS (good OS, good anti-aliasing filter)
- Sibalance v4 (CPU light)
- Nova GE (great for multi-band comp, upwards comp, limiting)
- StandardCLIP
- StandardGATE
- Transient Designer Plus
- Slew3 (incredibly CPU light)
- entropy EQ+
- ReaLimit (really low CPU usage, but a little too bright)
- MAutoVolume (tad bit smeary at Nyquist, I’d like to test its nonlinearities)
- RX 9 De-ess
- T-De-Esser
- Saturn 2 (CPU light)
- SDRR2 (CPU moderate)
- Channel9 (very CPU light)
- Wow Control
- Satin (easy for rendering since OS is always on, anti-aliasing is a little wanting)
- Volcano 3
- StandardCLIP
- Spiral2
- AnalogStage MK2
- GSatPlus (could be useful as a preamp emulator)
- Chow Tape Model (has great functionality for tape dropouts, CPU light)
- FreeClip (awesome OS, great anti-aliasing filter that gets less steep the more OS is added)
- Pafnuty
- RC Inflator
- Wave Box
- Krush
- ValhallaVintageVerb
- ValhallaRoom
- ValhallaPlate
- Springs
- SIR3
- PhoenixVerb
- PLATE-140
- OldSkoolVerb
- ValhallaSupermassive
- TAL-Reverb 4
- Emergence
- ValhallaDelay
- ReaDelay
- Dubstation 2
Stereo management
- MStereoExpander
- JS Stereo Enhancer
- JS Channel Polarity Control
- JS Phase Rotator
- Srsly2
- ValhallaSpaceModulator
- Wow Control
- ValhallaDelay
- Volcano 3
- JUN-6
- MPhaser
- Dynameter
- dpMeter5
- Youlean Loudness Meter
Lofi and glitch
- Chow Tape Model (does cool tape dropouts)
- Emergence
- Wow Control
- BitJuggler
- Krush
- Lossy
- Bad Connection
- GlitchShifter
- MBitFun
Utility and repair
- RX
- UVI Drum Replacer
- TheNormalizer
- JS Phase Rotator
- JS Channel Router
- JS Channel Polarity Control
- Melodyne
- Good Dither
- Indent 2 (decent oversampling algo, good for stacking distortions, 4x OS raises noise floor, steep anti-aliasing filter)
- Vitalizer
- BritPre
- MPReq
- MTurboComp (awesome OS, very steep anti-aliasing filter, pretty smeary)
- Smasher
- Tube Amp
- Dyno
- MaxxVolume (great oversampling algo, just annoyed with Waves’ licensing)
- Rare
- Tape Cassette 2
- bx_bluechorus
- lkjb
- MDynamicEQ
- MWaveFolder
- 1175 Compressor
- Major Tom Compressor
- Fairly Childish Compressor
- T-Compressor