
Tips and tricks

ReaComp can do Feed-forward compression as well as Feedback compression via the detector input.1

Classic attack mode seems to make its grabby attack even grabbier.1 With this enabled, the ratio is reduced as the volume increases above the threshold (almost like a range control).2

Some people use Weird knee to make it sound like an LA2A.3 It doesn’t seem to perform as much gain reduction as the “normal” knee.2

ReaComp has a pretty linear release curve.4

Dan Worrall makes ReaComp into a fully functional Feedback compressor with the Fabulous fake feedback trick.

Consider trying Gain riding with ReaComp.

Sine sweep test at -18, spectrograph readings at -130dB

No OS ! [[ reacomp -18db gr 10.1 ratio 1ms attack 1ms release sine sweep.png ]]

Hammerstein test

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