Feed-forward compression

As opposed to Feedback compression, feed-forward detection circuits precede the gain-reduction circuit.1 They anticipate the signal getting too loud, creating a “snappy” or “grabby” sound.2 These require additional controls for threshold, attack, and release to be useful.1

The dbx 160 is a classic example1 (it’s also RMS-sensing).3 Many modern compressions from the VCA compression era onward are feed-forward.1

Molot GE and DC8C3 can do feed-forward compression.

  1. Feedback Vs. Feed-Forward Compression: The Differences You Need to Know — SonicScoop  2 3 4

  2. [Feed-back and feed-forward compressor topology explained blog:analog](https://blog.mixanalog.com/compressor-topology-explained)

  3. What’s Wrong With Stock Plugins? ReaComp - YouTube 

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