Tips and tricks
In easy mode, smooth is slow and good for leveling. Punch is good for standard compression. Snap is VCA-style compression. Crush is FET-style compression.
I like this a lot for fast compression. It does a FET-type thing well on Punch mode for snare and vocals. Sounds a little more open than FETISH and MTurboComp at this task.
DC8C can do Feedback compression and also blend it with Feed-forward compression. However, it seems to half the ratio. Full feedback and SMASH mode at 20:1 is ~4:1 compression again, but the threshold needs to be adjusted -10dB. Negative mode allows you to use the ratio pretty much normally.
The saturation warms things up considerably.
The manual says that in snap mode, “A gain reduction around -2 dB might already be enough to spice up drums.”
In full feedback mode, the ratio decreases considerably. Full feedback and a 20:1 ratio is closer to 4:1.
Oversampling IR
2x OS ! [[ dc8c3 impulse 2x os.png ]]
4x OS ! [[ dc8c3 impulse 4x os.png ]]
8x OS ! [[ dc8c3 impulse 8x os.png ]]
Sine sweep test at -18, spectrograph readings at -130dB, OS on
Normal ratio mode, settings maxed, 2x OS ! [[ dc8c3 sine sweep normal ratio mode settings maxed 2x os.png ]]
Smash ratio mode, settings maxed (except attack at 0.1), 8x OS ! [[ dc8c3 sine sweep smash ratio mode settings maxed attack .1 8x os.png ]]
Limit mode, settings maxed (except no saturation), 4x OS ! [[ dc8c3 sine sweep limit mode no sat 4x os.png ]]
Harmonic analysis
! [[ dc8c3 harmonic analysis saturation mode yellow noon.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 harmonic analysis saturation mode red noon.png ]]
Hammerstein test
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein saturation mode yellow noon.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein saturation mode red noon.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein smooth no sat.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein smooth sat maxed.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein punch no sat.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein punch sat maxed.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein snap no sat.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein snap sat maxed.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein crush no sat.png ]]
! [[ dc8c3 hammerstein crush sat maxed.png ]]