Lindell 80

Tips and tricks

OS introduces some pre-ringing.

The preamp sounds warm, a little “congested” at worst. Balancing this with some of its EQ can help.

The impulse is slower than Lindell 50 in the lows. ! [[ lindell 80 impulse.png ]]

2x oversampling works for up to 20dB of preamp gain. Anything more could use 4x or more.


Oversampling IR

! [[ lindell 80 impulse 2x os.png ]]

Sine sweep test at -18, spectrograph readings at -130dB, OS on

Just the preamp, cranked up 20dB ! [[ lindell 80 sweep 20db 2x os.png ]]

With no OS, I can get 3dB ! [[ lindell 80 3db gain no os.png ]]

Hammerstein test

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